Historia de #valencia 16/08/2024 16:17 18 visitas

Hour Alias Mensaje Mensaje
[16:17] Bufalo\Insufrible Alguna chica joven que sea muy bajita? [16:17] Bufalo\Insufrible
Alguna chica joven que sea muy bajita?
[16:20] Buho{ConInquietud Puedo escribir y no disimular [16:20] Buho{ConInquietud
Puedo escribir y no disimular
[16:20] Buho{ConInquietud Es la ventaja de irse haciendo viejo [16:20] Buho{ConInquietud
Es la ventaja de irse haciendo viejo
[16:20] Buho{ConInquietud No tengo nada para impresionar [16:20] Buho{ConInquietud
No tengo nada para impresionar
[16:20] Buho{ConInquietud Ni por fuera, ni por dentro [16:20] Buho{ConInquietud
Ni por fuera, ni por dentro
[16:20] Buho{ConInquietud La noche en vela va cruzando el mar [16:20] Buho{ConInquietud
La noche en vela va cruzando el mar
[16:20] Buho{ConInquietud Porque los sueños viajan con el viento [16:20] Buho{ConInquietud
Porque los sueños viajan con el viento
[16:20] Buho{ConInquietud Y en mi ventana sopla en el cristal [16:20] Buho{ConInquietud
Y en mi ventana sopla en el cristal
[16:20] Buho{ConInquietud Mira, a ver si estoy despierto [16:20] Buho{ConInquietud
Mira, a ver si estoy despierto
[16:20] Buho{ConInquietud [16:20] Buho{ConInquietud
[16:20] Buho{ConInquietud Me perdí en un cruce de palabras [16:20] Buho{ConInquietud
Me perdí en un cruce de palabras
[16:20] Buho{ConInquietud Me anotaron mal la dirección [16:20] Buho{ConInquietud
Me anotaron mal la dirección
[16:20] Buho{ConInquietud Ya grabé mi nombre en una bala [16:20] Buho{ConInquietud
Ya grabé mi nombre en una bala
[16:20] Buho{ConInquietud Ya probé la carne de cañón [16:20] Buho{ConInquietud
Ya probé la carne de cañón
[16:20] Buho{ConInquietud Ya lo tengo todo controlado [16:20] Buho{ConInquietud
Ya lo tengo todo controlado
[16:20] Buho{ConInquietud Y alguien dijo no, no, no, no, no [16:20] Buho{ConInquietud
Y alguien dijo no, no, no, no, no
[16:20] Buho{ConInquietud Que ahora viene el viento de otro lado [16:20] Buho{ConInquietud
Que ahora viene el viento de otro lado
[16:21] Buho{ConInquietud Déjame el timón [16:21] Buho{ConInquietud
Déjame el timón
[16:21] Buho{ConInquietud Y alguien dijo no, no, no [16:21] Buho{ConInquietud
Y alguien dijo no, no, no
[16:21] Buho{ConInquietud [16:21] Buho{ConInquietud
[16:21] Buho{ConInquietud Lo que me llevará al final [16:21] Buho{ConInquietud
Lo que me llevará al final
[16:21] Buho{ConInquietud Serán mis pasos, no el camino [16:21] Buho{ConInquietud
Serán mis pasos, no el camino
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud No ves que siempre vas detrás [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
No ves que siempre vas detrás
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud Cuando persigues al destino [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
Cuando persigues al destino
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud Siempre es la mano y no el puñal [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
Siempre es la mano y no el puñal
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud Nunca es lo que pudo haber sido [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
Nunca es lo que pudo haber sido
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud No es porque digas la verdad [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
No es porque digas la verdad
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud Es porque nunca me has mentido [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
Es porque nunca me has mentido
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud No voy a sentirme mal [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
No voy a sentirme mal
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud Si algo no me sale bien [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
Si algo no me sale bien
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud He aprendido a derrapar [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
He aprendido a derrapar
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud Y a chocar con la pared [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
Y a chocar con la pared
[16:22] ElefanteInsufrible Uolaaa [16:22] ElefanteInsufrible
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud Que la vida se nos va [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
Que la vida se nos va
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud Como el humo de ese tren [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
Como el humo de ese tren
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud Como un beso en un portal [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
Como un beso en un portal
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud Antes de que cuente diez [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
Antes de que cuente diez
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud Y no volveré a sentirme extraño [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
Y no volveré a sentirme extraño
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud Aunque no me llegue a conocer [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
Aunque no me llegue a conocer
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud Y no volveré a quererte tanto [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
Y no volveré a quererte tanto
[16:22] Buho{ConInquietud Y no volveré a dejarte de querer [16:22] Buho{ConInquietud
Y no volveré a dejarte de querer
[16:23] Buho{ConInquietud Dejé de volar, me hundí en el barro [16:23] Buho{ConInquietud
Dejé de volar, me hundí en el barro
[16:23] Buho{ConInquietud Y entre tanto barro me encontré [16:23] Buho{ConInquietud
Y entre tanto barro me encontré
[16:23] Buho{ConInquietud Algo de calor sin tus abrazos [16:23] Buho{ConInquietud
Algo de calor sin tus abrazos
[16:23] Buho{ConInquietud Ahora sé que nunca volveré [16:23] Buho{ConInquietud
Ahora sé que nunca volveré
[16:24] Buho{ConInquietud Yo quiero ser una chica Almodovar [16:24] Buho{ConInquietud
Yo quiero ser una chica Almodovar
[16:24] Buho{ConInquietud Como la Maura, como Victoria Abril [16:24] Buho{ConInquietud
Como la Maura, como Victoria Abril
[16:24] Buho{ConInquietud Un poco lista, un poquitín boba [16:24] Buho{ConInquietud
Un poco lista, un poquitín boba
[16:24] Buho{ConInquietud Ir con Madonna en una limousine [16:24] Buho{ConInquietud
Ir con Madonna en una limousine
[16:24] Buho{ConInquietud Como Bibí, como Miguel Bosé [16:24] Buho{ConInquietud
Como Bibí, como Miguel Bosé
[16:24] Buho{ConInquietud Pasar de todo y no pasar de moda [16:24] Buho{ConInquietud
Pasar de todo y no pasar de moda
[16:24] Buho{ConInquietud Bailar contigo el último cuplé [16:24] Buho{ConInquietud
Bailar contigo el último cuplé
[16:24] Buho{ConInquietud Y no parar de viajar del invierno al verano [16:24] Buho{ConInquietud
Y no parar de viajar del invierno al verano
[16:25] Buho{ConInquietud De Madrid a New York, del abrazo al olvido [16:25] Buho{ConInquietud
De Madrid a New York, del abrazo al olvido
[16:25] Buho{ConInquietud Dejarte entre tinieblas escuchando un ruido [16:25] Buho{ConInquietud
Dejarte entre tinieblas escuchando un ruido
[16:25] Buho{ConInquietud De tacones lejanos [16:25] Buho{ConInquietud
De tacones lejanos
[16:25] Buho{ConInquietud Encontrar la salida de este gris laberinto [16:25] Buho{ConInquietud
Encontrar la salida de este gris laberinto
[16:25] Buho{ConInquietud Sin pasión ni pecado, ni locura ni incesto [16:25] Buho{ConInquietud
Sin pasión ni pecado, ni locura ni incesto
[16:25] Buho{ConInquietud Tener en cada puerto un amante distinto [16:25] Buho{ConInquietud
Tener en cada puerto un amante distinto
[16:25] Buho{ConInquietud No gritar ¡que he echo yo, para merecer esto! [16:25] Buho{ConInquietud
No gritar ¡que he echo yo, para merecer esto!
[16:25] Buho{ConInquietud Como Pepi, como Luci como Bom [16:25] Buho{ConInquietud
Como Pepi, como Luci como Bom
[16:25] Buho{ConInquietud Venderle al Garbo mis secretos de alcoba [16:25] Buho{ConInquietud
Venderle al Garbo mis secretos de alcoba
[16:25] Buho{ConInquietud Ponerme luto por un matador [16:25] Buho{ConInquietud
Ponerme luto por un matador
[16:26] Buho{ConInquietud Que a su chico le suplique ¡Atame! [16:26] Buho{ConInquietud
Que a su chico le suplique ¡Atame!
[16:26] Buho{ConInquietud No dar el alma sino a quien me la roba [16:26] Buho{ConInquietud
No dar el alma sino a quien me la roba
[16:26] Buho{ConInquietud Desayunar en Tifanis con él [16:26] Buho{ConInquietud
Desayunar en Tifanis con él
[16:26] Buho{ConInquietud Y no permitir que me coman el coco [16:26] Buho{ConInquietud
Y no permitir que me coman el coco
[16:26] Buho{ConInquietud Esas chungas movidas de Croatas y Serbios [16:26] Buho{ConInquietud
Esas chungas movidas de Croatas y Serbios
[16:26] Buho{ConInquietud Ir por la vida al borde de un ataque de nervios [16:26] Buho{ConInquietud
Ir por la vida al borde de un ataque de nervios
[16:26] Buho{ConInquietud Con faldas y a lo loco [16:26] Buho{ConInquietud
Con faldas y a lo loco
[16:26] Buho{ConInquietud Encontrar la salida de este gris laberinto [16:26] Buho{ConInquietud
Encontrar la salida de este gris laberinto
[16:26] Buho{ConInquietud Sin pasión ni pecado, ni locura ni incesto [16:26] Buho{ConInquietud
Sin pasión ni pecado, ni locura ni incesto
[16:26] Buho{ConInquietud Tener en cada puerto un amante distinto [16:26] Buho{ConInquietud
Tener en cada puerto un amante distinto
[16:26] Buho{ConInquietud No gritar ¡que he echo yo, para merecer esto! [16:26] Buho{ConInquietud
No gritar ¡que he echo yo, para merecer esto!
[16:26] Buho{ConInquietud [16:26] Buho{ConInquietud
[16:27] Buho{ConInquietud Como patidifusa escribir mis memorias [16:27] Buho{ConInquietud
Como patidifusa escribir mis memorias
[16:27] Buho{ConInquietud Apuntarme a cualquier clase de bombardeo [16:27] Buho{ConInquietud
Apuntarme a cualquier clase de bombardeo
[16:27] Buho{ConInquietud No tener otra fe que la piel [16:27] Buho{ConInquietud
No tener otra fe que la piel
[16:27] Buho{ConInquietud Ni más ley que la ley del deseo [16:27] Buho{ConInquietud
Ni más ley que la ley del deseo
[16:27] Bufalo\Insufrible Alguna chica baixeta? [16:27] Bufalo\Insufrible
Alguna chica baixeta?
[16:29] Gata_Locuaz Curioson si, xd [16:29] Gata_Locuaz
Curioson si, xd
[16:31] Rinoceronte}Tenaz holas [16:31] Rinoceronte}Tenaz
[16:33] Rinoceronte}Tenaz morbo [16:33] Rinoceronte}Tenaz
[16:34] Bufalo\Insufrible Xativa [16:34] Bufalo\Insufrible
[16:36] Flamenco\Marron Buenasss [16:36] Flamenco\Marron
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud It's like I'm in this dirt, digging up old hurt [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
It's like I'm in this dirt, digging up old hurt
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud Tried everything to get my mind off you, it won't work [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
Tried everything to get my mind off you, it won't work
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud All it takes is one song on the radio you're right back on it [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
All it takes is one song on the radio you're right back on it
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud Reminding me all over again how you fucking just brushed me off [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
Reminding me all over again how you fucking just brushed me off
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud And left me so burnt, spent a lot of time trying to soul search [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
And left me so burnt, spent a lot of time trying to soul search
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud Maybe I needed to grow up a little first [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
Maybe I needed to grow up a little first
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud Well, looks like I hit a growth spurt [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
Well, looks like I hit a growth spurt
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud But I am coming for closure [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
But I am coming for closure
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud Don't suppose an explanation I'm owed for [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
Don't suppose an explanation I'm owed for
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud The way that you turned your back on me [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
The way that you turned your back on me
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud Just when I may have needed you most [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
Just when I may have needed you most
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud Oh, you thought it was over [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
Oh, you thought it was over
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud You can just close the chapter [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
You can just close the chapter
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud And go about your life, like it was nothing [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
And go about your life, like it was nothing
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud You ruined mine, but you seem to be doing fine [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
You ruined mine, but you seem to be doing fine
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud I'd never recovered but tonight I betcha that whatcha [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
I'd never recovered but tonight I betcha that whatcha
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud 'Bout to go through's tougher than anything I ever have suffered [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
'Bout to go through's tougher than anything I ever have suffered
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud Can't think of a better way to define poetic justice [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
Can't think of a better way to define poetic justice
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud Can I hold grudges, mind is saying: "let it go, fuck this" [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
Can I hold grudges, mind is saying: "let it go, fuck this"
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud Heart is saying: "I will once I bury this bitch alive" [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
Heart is saying: "I will once I bury this bitch alive"
[16:37] Buho{ConInquietud "Hide the shovel and then drive off in the sunset" [16:37] Buho{ConInquietud
"Hide the shovel and then drive off in the sunset"
[16:38] Buho{ConInquietud I flee the scene like it was my last ride [16:38] Buho{ConInquietud
I flee the scene like it was my last ride
[16:38] Buho{ConInquietud You see right through, oh, you had me pegged the first time [16:38] Buho{ConInquietud
You see right through, oh, you had me pegged the first time
[16:38] Buho{ConInquietud You can't see the truth but it's easier to justify what's bad is good [16:38] Buho{ConInquietud
You can't see the truth but it's easier to justify what's bad is good
[16:38] Avestruz}Locuaz XD [16:38] Avestruz}Locuaz
[16:38] Buho{ConInquietud And I hate to be the bad guy, I just hate to be the bad guy [16:38] Buho{ConInquietud
And I hate to be the bad guy, I just hate to be the bad guy
[16:38] Buho{ConInquietud [16:38] Buho{ConInquietud
[16:38] Buho{ConInquietud And to think I used to think you was the shit, bitch [16:38] Buho{ConInquietud
And to think I used to think you was the shit, bitch
[16:38] Buho{ConInquietud To think it was you at one time I worshipped, shit [16:38] Buho{ConInquietud
To think it was you at one time I worshipped, shit
[16:38] Buho{ConInquietud Think you can hurt people and just keep getting away with it [16:38] Buho{ConInquietud
Think you can hurt people and just keep getting away with it
[16:38] Buho{ConInquietud Not this time, you better go and get sewing kit, bitch [16:38] Buho{ConInquietud
Not this time, you better go and get sewing kit, bitch
[16:38] Buho{ConInquietud Finish this stitch so you can reap what you sow, nitwit [16:38] Buho{ConInquietud
Finish this stitch so you can reap what you sow, nitwit
[16:38] Buho{ConInquietud Thought some time had past and I forget it, forget it! [16:38] Buho{ConInquietud
Thought some time had past and I forget it, forget it!
[16:38] Buho{ConInquietud You left our family in shambles [16:38] Buho{ConInquietud
You left our family in shambles
[16:38] Buho{ConInquietud You expect me to just get over him Pretend he never existed [16:38] Buho{ConInquietud
You expect me to just get over him Pretend he never existed
[16:38] Buho{ConInquietud Maybe gone, but he's not forgotten [16:38] Buho{ConInquietud
Maybe gone, but he's not forgotten
[16:38] Buho{ConInquietud And don't think 'cause he's been out the pictures so long [16:38] Buho{ConInquietud
And don't think 'cause he's been out the pictures so long
[16:39] Buho{ConInquietud That I've stopped the plottin' and still ain't coming to get ya [16:39] Buho{ConInquietud
That I've stopped the plottin' and still ain't coming to get ya
[16:39] Buho{ConInquietud You're wrong and that shit was rotten [16:39] Buho{ConInquietud
You're wrong and that shit was rotten
[16:39] Buho{ConInquietud And the way you played him, same shit you did to me, go! [16:39] Buho{ConInquietud
And the way you played him, same shit you did to me, go!
[16:39] Buho{ConInquietud Have you any idea that shit I've gone through [16:39] Buho{ConInquietud
Have you any idea that shit I've gone through
[16:39] Buho{ConInquietud Feelings I harbor, all this pent up resentment I hold on to [16:39] Buho{ConInquietud
Feelings I harbor, all this pent up resentment I hold on to
[16:39] Buho{ConInquietud Not once you called to ask me how I'm doing [16:39] Buho{ConInquietud
Not once you called to ask me how I'm doing
[16:39] Buho{ConInquietud Letters, you don't respond to 'em [16:39] Buho{ConInquietud
Letters, you don't respond to 'em
[16:39] Buho{ConInquietud Fuck it, I'm coming to see you [16:39] Buho{ConInquietud
Fuck it, I'm coming to see you
[16:39] Buho{ConInquietud And gee who better to talk to than you [16:39] Buho{ConInquietud
And gee who better to talk to than you
[16:39] Buho{ConInquietud The cause of my problems [16:39] Buho{ConInquietud
The cause of my problems
[16:39] Buho{ConInquietud My life is garbage and I'm 'bout to take it out on you [16:39] Buho{ConInquietud
My life is garbage and I'm 'bout to take it out on you
[16:39] Buho{ConInquietud Poof, then I'm gone, whoosh [16:39] Buho{ConInquietud
Poof, then I'm gone, whoosh
[16:39] Buho{ConInquietud I flee the scene like it was my last ride [16:39] Buho{ConInquietud
I flee the scene like it was my last ride
[16:39] Buho{ConInquietud You see right through, oh, you had me pegged the first time [16:39] Buho{ConInquietud
You see right through, oh, you had me pegged the first time
[16:39] Buho{ConInquietud You can't see the truth but it's easier to justify what's bad is good [16:39] Buho{ConInquietud
You can't see the truth but it's easier to justify what's bad is good
[16:39] Rinoceronte}Tenaz morbo [16:39] Rinoceronte}Tenaz
[16:39] Buho{ConInquietud And I hate to be the bad guy, I just hate to be the bad guy [16:39] Buho{ConInquietud
And I hate to be the bad guy, I just hate to be the bad guy
[16:39] Buho{ConInquietud [16:39] Buho{ConInquietud
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud I've been driving around your side of this town [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
I've been driving around your side of this town
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud Like 9 frickin' hours and 45 minutes now [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
Like 9 frickin' hours and 45 minutes now
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud Finally I found your new address, park in your drive [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
Finally I found your new address, park in your drive
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud Feel like I been waiting on this moment all of my life [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
Feel like I been waiting on this moment all of my life
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud And it's now arrived, and my mouth is full of saliva [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
And it's now arrived, and my mouth is full of saliva
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud My knife is out and I'm ducking on the side of your house [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
My knife is out and I'm ducking on the side of your house
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud See, it's sad it came to this point [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
See, it's sad it came to this point
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud Such a disappointment I had to make [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
Such a disappointment I had to make
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud This appointment to come and see ya [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
This appointment to come and see ya
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud But ain't here for ya empathy, I don't need your apology [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
But ain't here for ya empathy, I don't need your apology
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud Or your friendship or sympathy, it's revenge that I seek [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
Or your friendship or sympathy, it's revenge that I seek
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud So I sneak vengefully and treat your bedroom window [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
So I sneak vengefully and treat your bedroom window
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud Like I reach my full potential, I peaked [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
Like I reach my full potential, I peaked
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud Continue to peep, still bent low [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
Continue to peep, still bent low
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud Keep tapping the glass lightly then start to crescendo [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
Keep tapping the glass lightly then start to crescendo
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud Sneak all the way 'round to the back porch [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
Sneak all the way 'round to the back porch
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud Man, door handles unlocked, shouldn't be that easy to do this [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
Man, door handles unlocked, shouldn't be that easy to do this
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud You don't plan for intruders before hand [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
You don't plan for intruders before hand
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud Surprised to see me, cat got your tongue [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
Surprised to see me, cat got your tongue
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud Gag, chloroform rag, gag almost hack up a lung [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
Gag, chloroform rag, gag almost hack up a lung
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud Like you picked up an axe up and then swung [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
Like you picked up an axe up and then swung
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud Stick to the core plan, drag to the back of a trunk [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
Stick to the core plan, drag to the back of a trunk
[16:40] Buho{ConInquietud By one of your fans, irony spectacular, huh [16:40] Buho{ConInquietud
By one of your fans, irony spectacular, huh
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud Now who's a faggot, you punk [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
Now who's a faggot, you punk
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud And here's your Bronco hat, [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
And here's your Bronco hat,
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud You can have that shit back 'cause they suck [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
You can have that shit back 'cause they suck
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud It's just me, you and the music now, Slim [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
It's just me, you and the music now, Slim
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud I hope you hear it, we are in a car right now [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
I hope you hear it, we are in a car right now
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud Wait, here comes my favorite lyric [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
Wait, here comes my favorite lyric
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud "I'm the bad guy who makes fun of people that die" [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
"I'm the bad guy who makes fun of people that die"
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud And hey, here's a sequel to my Mathers LP [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
And hey, here's a sequel to my Mathers LP
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud Just to try to get people to buy [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
Just to try to get people to buy
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud How's this for publicity stunt? [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
How's this for publicity stunt?
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud This should be fun [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
This should be fun
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud Last album now, 'cause after this you'll be officially done [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
Last album now, 'cause after this you'll be officially done
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud Eminem killed by M&M [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
Eminem killed by M&M
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud Matthew Mitchell [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
Matthew Mitchell
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud Bitch, I even have your initials [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
Bitch, I even have your initials
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud I initially was gonna bury you next to my brother, but fuck it [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
I initially was gonna bury you next to my brother, but fuck it
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud Since you love your city so much [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
Since you love your city so much
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud I figured, what the fuck the best place [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
I figured, what the fuck the best place
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud You could be buried alive is right here [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
You could be buried alive is right here
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud Two more exits, town is quite near [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
Two more exits, town is quite near
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud I hope we don't get stopped, no license I fear [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
I hope we don't get stopped, no license I fear
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud That sirens I hear? Guess 90 on the freeway wasn't the brightest idea [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
That sirens I hear? Guess 90 on the freeway wasn't the brightest idea
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud As cops appear in my driver side mirror [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
As cops appear in my driver side mirror
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud Oh, God, police! Ahh! [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
Oh, God, police! Ahh!
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud Hope foxtrot gets an aerial shot of your burial plot, at least [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
Hope foxtrot gets an aerial shot of your burial plot, at least
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud New plan Stan [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
New plan Stan
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud Slim, chauvinist pig drove in this big, lincoln town car [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
Slim, chauvinist pig drove in this big, lincoln town car
[16:41] Buho{ConInquietud Well gotta go, almost at the bridge, haha big bro it's for you [16:41] Buho{ConInquietud
Well gotta go, almost at the bridge, haha big bro it's for you
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud Slim, this is for him and Frank Ocean, oh, hope you can swim good [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
Slim, this is for him and Frank Ocean, oh, hope you can swim good
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud Now say you hate homos again! [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
Now say you hate homos again!
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud I also represent anyone on the receiving end of those jokes you offend [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
I also represent anyone on the receiving end of those jokes you offend
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud I'm the nightmare you fell asleep in and woke up still in [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
I'm the nightmare you fell asleep in and woke up still in
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud I'm your karma closing in with each stroke of a pen [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
I'm your karma closing in with each stroke of a pen
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud Perfect time to have some remorse to show for your sin [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
Perfect time to have some remorse to show for your sin
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud No, it's hopeless, I'm the denial that you're hopelessly in [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
No, it's hopeless, I'm the denial that you're hopelessly in
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud When they say all of this is approaching its end [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
When they say all of this is approaching its end
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud But you refuse to believe that it's over, here we go all over again [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
But you refuse to believe that it's over, here we go all over again
[16:42] Bufalo\Insufrible Alguna por xativa? [16:42] Bufalo\Insufrible
Alguna por xativa?
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud Backs to the wall, I'm stacking up all them odds [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
Backs to the wall, I'm stacking up all them odds
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud Toilets clogged, [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
Toilets clogged,
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud Yeah 'cause I'm talking a lot of shit but I'm backing it all up [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
Yeah 'cause I'm talking a lot of shit but I'm backing it all up
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud But in my head there's a voice in the back and it hollas [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
But in my head there's a voice in the back and it hollas
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud After the track is demolished [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
After the track is demolished
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud I am your lack of a conscience [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
I am your lack of a conscience
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud I'm the ringing in your ears [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
I'm the ringing in your ears
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud I'm the polyps on the back of your tonsils [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
I'm the polyps on the back of your tonsils
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud Eating your vocal chords after your concerts [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
Eating your vocal chords after your concerts
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud I'm your time that's almost up that you haven't acknowledged [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
I'm your time that's almost up that you haven't acknowledged
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud Grab for some water but I'm that pill that's too jagged to swallow [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
Grab for some water but I'm that pill that's too jagged to swallow
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud I'm the bullies you hate, that you became [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
I'm the bullies you hate, that you became
[16:42] Buho{ConInquietud With every faggot you slaughtered [16:42] Buho{ConInquietud
With every faggot you slaughtered
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud Coming back on you every woman you insult [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
Coming back on you every woman you insult
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud That, with the double-standards you [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
That, with the double-standards you
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud Have when it comes to your daughters [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
Have when it comes to your daughters
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud I represent everything, you take for granted [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
I represent everything, you take for granted
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud 'Cause Marshall Mathers the rapper's persona's half a facade [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
'Cause Marshall Mathers the rapper's persona's half a facade
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud And Matthew and Stan's just symbolic, [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
And Matthew and Stan's just symbolic,
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud Of you not knowing what you had until it's gone [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
Of you not knowing what you had until it's gone
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud 'Cause after all the glitz and the [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
'Cause after all the glitz and the
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud Glam, no more fans that are calling your name [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
Glam, no more fans that are calling your name
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud Cameras are off [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
Cameras are off
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud Sad, but it happens to all of them [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
Sad, but it happens to all of them
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud I'm the hindsight to say, "I told you so!" [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
I'm the hindsight to say, "I told you so!"
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud Foreshadows of all the things that are to follow [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
Foreshadows of all the things that are to follow
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud I'm the future that's here to show you what happens tomorrow [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
I'm the future that's here to show you what happens tomorrow
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud If you don't stop after they call you the [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
If you don't stop after they call you the
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud Biggest laughing stock of rap who can't call it quits [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
Biggest laughing stock of rap who can't call it quits
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud When it's time to walk away [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
When it's time to walk away
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud I'm every guilt trip [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
I'm every guilt trip
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud The baggage you had [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
The baggage you had
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud But as you gather up all your possessions [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
But as you gather up all your possessions
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud If there's anything you have left to say [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
If there's anything you have left to say
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud Unless it makes an impact don't bother [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
Unless it makes an impact don't bother
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud So before you rest your case [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
So before you rest your case
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud Better make sure you're packing a wallop [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
Better make sure you're packing a wallop
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud So one last time, I'm back [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
So one last time, I'm back
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud Before it fades into black and it's all over [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
Before it fades into black and it's all over
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud Behold the final chapter in the saga [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
Behold the final chapter in the saga
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud Trying to recapture that lightning trapped in a bottle [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
Trying to recapture that lightning trapped in a bottle
[16:43] Buho{ConInquietud Twice the magic that started it all [16:43] Buho{ConInquietud
Twice the magic that started it all
[16:44] Buho{ConInquietud Tragic portrait of an artist tortured [16:44] Buho{ConInquietud
Tragic portrait of an artist tortured
[16:44] Buho{ConInquietud Trapped in his own drawings [16:44] Buho{ConInquietud
Trapped in his own drawings
[16:44] Buho{ConInquietud Tap into thoughts [16:44] Buho{ConInquietud
Tap into thoughts
[16:44] Buho{ConInquietud Blacker and darker than anything imaginable [16:44] Buho{ConInquietud
Blacker and darker than anything imaginable
[16:44] Buho{ConInquietud Here goes a wild stab in the dark [16:44] Buho{ConInquietud
Here goes a wild stab in the dark
[16:44] Buho{ConInquietud As we pick up the last Mathers left off [16:44] Buho{ConInquietud
As we pick up the last Mathers left off
[16:44] Rinoceronte}Tenaz holas [16:44] Rinoceronte}Tenaz
[16:44] Rinoceronte}Tenaz morbo [16:44] Rinoceronte}Tenaz
[16:47] Anguila\Humilde hola [16:47] Anguila\Humilde
[16:48] Anguila\Transparente soloyosoypepito_ 👋 [16:48] Anguila\Transparente
soloyosoypepito_ 👋
[16:48] Anguila\Transparente XD [16:48] Anguila\Transparente
[16:49] Bufalo\Insufrible Hola [16:49] Bufalo\Insufrible
[16:49] Bufalo\Insufrible Alguna por xativa? [16:49] Bufalo\Insufrible
Alguna por xativa?
[16:49] Anguila\Transparente Que poco ambiente 🙄 [16:49] Anguila\Transparente
Que poco ambiente 🙄
[16:50] Anguila\Transparente 🤷🤷🤷 [16:50] Anguila\Transparente
[16:50] Rinoceronte}Tenaz ols [16:50] Rinoceronte}Tenaz
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