Historia de #valencia 21/07/2024 19:58 61 visitas

Hour Alias Mensaje Mensaje
[19:58] Aguila\Brillante hola alguno cerca queda ? [19:58] Aguila\Brillante
hola alguno cerca queda ?
[19:59] Aguila\Brillante ? [19:59] Aguila\Brillante
[20:00] Aguila\Brillante alguno cerca queda ?? [20:00] Aguila\Brillante
alguno cerca queda ??
[20:01] Serpiente{SinLuces En chovi per què? [20:01] Serpiente{SinLuces
En chovi per què?
[20:01] Serpiente{SinLuces El de casa millor [20:01] Serpiente{SinLuces
El de casa millor
[20:02] Aguila\Brillante ? [20:02] Aguila\Brillante
[20:02] Serpiente{SinLuces Ahh vale, gràcies per l'aclaració [20:02] Serpiente{SinLuces
Ahh vale, gràcies per l'aclaració
[20:02] Caiman{Suave buscaOh, forget, let me breathe, let me live [20:02] Caiman{Suave
buscaOh, forget, let me breathe, let me live
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:02] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:02] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:02] Caiman{Suave You lost one and all, so fly away [20:02] Caiman{Suave
You lost one and all, so fly away
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Over the clouds, under the sky [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Over the clouds, under the sky
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Never come back, no, run away [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Never come back, no, run away
[20:02] Caiman{Suave With all your might, gave up you [20:02] Caiman{Suave
With all your might, gave up you
[20:02] Caiman{Suave I don't believe anymore your shallow heart [20:02] Caiman{Suave
I don't believe anymore your shallow heart
[20:02] Caiman{Suave I know that it's you who just do play this trick [20:02] Caiman{Suave
I know that it's you who just do play this trick
[20:02] Caiman{Suave I never forgive you, not for anything [20:02] Caiman{Suave
I never forgive you, not for anything
[20:02] Caiman{Suave And now you are left with nothing [20:02] Caiman{Suave
And now you are left with nothing
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Oh, forget, let me breathe, let me live [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forget, let me breathe, let me live
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:02] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:02] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Oh, forget, let me breathe, let me live [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forget, let me breathe, let me live
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:02] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:02] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:02] Serpiente{SinLuces Li agradarà la salsa barbacoa [20:02] Serpiente{SinLuces
Li agradarà la salsa barbacoa
[20:02] Caiman{Suave There's no other time to make [20:02] Caiman{Suave
There's no other time to make
[20:02] Caiman{Suave In happiness you have mistaken [20:02] Caiman{Suave
In happiness you have mistaken
[20:02] Caiman{Suave We have no progressive future [20:02] Caiman{Suave
We have no progressive future
[20:02] Caiman{Suave I know your lying nature [20:02] Caiman{Suave
I know your lying nature
[20:02] Caiman{Suave There's no other time to make [20:02] Caiman{Suave
There's no other time to make
[20:02] Caiman{Suave In happiness you have mistaken [20:02] Caiman{Suave
In happiness you have mistaken
[20:02] Caiman{Suave We have no progressive future [20:02] Caiman{Suave
We have no progressive future
[20:02] Caiman{Suave I know your lying nature [20:02] Caiman{Suave
I know your lying nature
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Oh, forget, let me breathe, let me live [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forget, let me breathe, let me live
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:02] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:02] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:02] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:02] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:03] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:03] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:03] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:03] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:03] Serpiente{SinLuces O berenando [20:03] Serpiente{SinLuces
O berenando
[20:03] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:03] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:03] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:03] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:03] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:03] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:03] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:03] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:03] Caiman{Suave Never come back, no, run away [20:03] Caiman{Suave
Never come back, no, run away
[20:03] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:03] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:03] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:03] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:03] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:03] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:03] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:03] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:03] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:03] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:03] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:03] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:03] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:03] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:03] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:03] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:03] Caiman{Suave There's no other time to make [20:03] Caiman{Suave
There's no other time to make
[20:03] Caiman{Suave We have no progressive future [20:03] Caiman{Suave
We have no progressive future
[20:03] Caiman{Suave I know your lying nature [20:03] Caiman{Suave
I know your lying nature
[20:03] Caiman{Suave There's no other time to make [20:03] Caiman{Suave
There's no other time to make
[20:03] Caiman{Suave We have no progressive future [20:03] Caiman{Suave
We have no progressive future
[20:03] Caiman{Suave I know your lying nature [20:03] Caiman{Suave
I know your lying nature
[20:03] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:03] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:03] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:03] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:03] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:03] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:03] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:03] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:03] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:03] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:03] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:03] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:03] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:03] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:03] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:03] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:04] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:04] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:04] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:04] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:04] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:04] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:04] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:04] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:04] Caiman{Suave Never come back, no, run away [20:04] Caiman{Suave
Never come back, no, run away
[20:04] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:04] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:04] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:04] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:04] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:04] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:04] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:04] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:04] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:04] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:04] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:04] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:04] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:04] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:04] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:04] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:04] Caiman{Suave There's no other time to make [20:04] Caiman{Suave
There's no other time to make
[20:04] Caiman{Suave We have no progressive future [20:04] Caiman{Suave
We have no progressive future
[20:04] Caiman{Suave I know your lying nature [20:04] Caiman{Suave
I know your lying nature
[20:04] Caiman{Suave There's no other time to make [20:04] Caiman{Suave
There's no other time to make
[20:04] Caiman{Suave We have no progressive future [20:04] Caiman{Suave
We have no progressive future
[20:04] Serpiente{SinLuces Quin taladre [20:04] Serpiente{SinLuces
Quin taladre
[20:04] Caiman{Suave I know your lying nature [20:04] Caiman{Suave
I know your lying nature
[20:04] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:04] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:04] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:04] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:04] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:04] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:04] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:04] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:04] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:04] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:04] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:04] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:04] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:04] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:04] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:04] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:05] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:05] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:05] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:05] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:05] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:05] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:05] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:05] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:05] Caiman{Suave Never come back, no, run away [20:05] Caiman{Suave
Never come back, no, run away
[20:05] Rana-Paciente Serpiente{SinLuces mujer cuanto tiempo amiga mía [20:05] Rana-Paciente
Serpiente{SinLuces mujer cuanto tiempo amiga mía
[20:05] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:05] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:05] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:05] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:05] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:05] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:05] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:05] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:05] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:05] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:05] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:05] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:05] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:05] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:05] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:05] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:05] Caiman{Suave There's no other time to make [20:05] Caiman{Suave
There's no other time to make
[20:05] Caiman{Suave We have no progressive future [20:05] Caiman{Suave
We have no progressive future
[20:05] Caiman{Suave I know your lying nature [20:05] Caiman{Suave
I know your lying nature
[20:05] Caiman{Suave There's no other time to make [20:05] Caiman{Suave
There's no other time to make
[20:05] Serpiente{SinLuces Hola ninio [20:05] Serpiente{SinLuces
Hola ninio
[20:05] Aguila\Brillante alguno cerca queda ? [20:05] Aguila\Brillante
alguno cerca queda ?
[20:05] Caiman{Suave We have no progressive future [20:05] Caiman{Suave
We have no progressive future
[20:05] Caiman{Suave I know your lying nature [20:05] Caiman{Suave
I know your lying nature
[20:05] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:05] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:05] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:05] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:05] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:05] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:05] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:05] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:05] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:05] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:05] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:05] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:05] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:05] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:05] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:05] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:05] Rana-Paciente Que tal guapísima como va todo Serpiente{SinLuces? [20:05] Rana-Paciente
Que tal guapísima como va todo Serpiente{SinLuces?
[20:06] Serpiente{SinLuces Rana-Paciente molt bé i tu? [20:06] Serpiente{SinLuces
Rana-Paciente molt bé i tu?
[20:06] Rana-Paciente Bien entre una cosa y otra, vamos liados Serpiente{SinLuces [20:06] Rana-Paciente
Bien entre una cosa y otra, vamos liados Serpiente{SinLuces
[20:06] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:06] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:06] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:06] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:06] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:06] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:06] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:06] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:06] Caiman{Suave Never come back, no, run away [20:06] Caiman{Suave
Never come back, no, run away
[20:06] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:06] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:06] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:06] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:06] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:06] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:06] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:06] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:06] Rana-Paciente Me alegro saber de ti @Serpiente{SinLuces y que estés bien [20:06] Rana-Paciente
Me alegro saber de ti @Serpiente{SinLuces y que estés bien
[20:06] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:06] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:06] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:06] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:06] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:06] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:06] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:06] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:06] Caiman{Suave There's no other time to make [20:06] Caiman{Suave
There's no other time to make
[20:07] Caiman{Suave We have no progressive future [20:07] Caiman{Suave
We have no progressive future
[20:07] Caiman{Suave I know your lying nature [20:07] Caiman{Suave
I know your lying nature
[20:07] Caiman{Suave There's no other time to make [20:07] Caiman{Suave
There's no other time to make
[20:07] Caiman{Suave We have no progressive future [20:07] Caiman{Suave
We have no progressive future
[20:07] Caiman{Suave I know your lying nature [20:07] Caiman{Suave
I know your lying nature
[20:07] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:07] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:07] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:07] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:07] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:07] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:07] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:07] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:07] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:07] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:07] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:07] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:07] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:07] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:07] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:07] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:07] Serpiente{SinLuces Rana-Paciente igualment, el xat no està entretingut [20:07] Serpiente{SinLuces
Rana-Paciente igualment, el xat no està entretingut
[20:08] Rana-Paciente Serpiente{SinLuces cariño cada día es una cosa este chat [20:08] Rana-Paciente
Serpiente{SinLuces cariño cada día es una cosa este chat
[20:08] Serpiente{SinLuces Rana-Paciente vaja [20:08] Serpiente{SinLuces
Rana-Paciente vaja
[20:08] Serpiente{SinLuces Ningú de trellat [20:08] Serpiente{SinLuces
Ningú de trellat
[20:09] Bufalo-ConPereza Wolas gentuzillas [20:09] Bufalo-ConPereza
Wolas gentuzillas
[20:09] Rana-Paciente Y hoy he sido o me han echo feliz hace nada, solamente porque he sabido de ti desde hace bastante tiempo Serpiente{SinLuces [20:09] Rana-Paciente
Y hoy he sido o me han echo feliz hace nada, solamente porque he sabido de ti desde hace bastante tiempo Serpiente{SinLuces
[20:09] Rana-Paciente Bufalo-ConPereza buenas noches amigo [20:09] Rana-Paciente
Bufalo-ConPereza buenas noches amigo
[20:09] Serpiente{SinLuces Rana-Paciente gràciesss [20:09] Serpiente{SinLuces
Rana-Paciente gràciesss
[20:09] Rana-Paciente De nada Serpiente{SinLuces [20:09] Rana-Paciente
De nada Serpiente{SinLuces
[20:09] Bufalo-ConPereza Buenas noches binio_85 [20:09] Bufalo-ConPereza
Buenas noches binio_85
[20:09] CaballitoDeMar\Feliz ☆♡ツBueNaS TaRDeSツ♡☆ [20:09] CaballitoDeMar\Feliz
☆♡ツBueNaS TaRDeSツ♡☆
[20:10] Bufalo-ConPereza ninio_85 [20:10] Bufalo-ConPereza
[20:10] Rana-Paciente No suena mal binio Bufalo-ConPereza 😂 [20:10] Rana-Paciente
No suena mal binio Bufalo-ConPereza 😂
[20:10] Rana-Paciente CaballitoDeMar\Feliz buenas tardes [20:10] Rana-Paciente
CaballitoDeMar\Feliz buenas tardes
[20:10] Bufalo-ConPereza Si es que mis dedos estan reñidos con el teclado 😂😂 [20:10] Bufalo-ConPereza
Si es que mis dedos estan reñidos con el teclado 😂😂
[20:11] CaballitoDeMar\Feliz No privados, gracias [20:11] CaballitoDeMar\Feliz
No privados, gracias
[20:11] Rana-Paciente Que le has echo al teclado Bufalo-ConPereza [20:11] Rana-Paciente
Que le has echo al teclado Bufalo-ConPereza
[20:11] Caiman{Suave chicas de 13 a 17 años un privado [20:11] Caiman{Suave
chicas de 13 a 17 años un privado
[20:11] Caiman{Suave buscaOh, forget, let me breathe, let me live [20:11] Caiman{Suave
buscaOh, forget, let me breathe, let me live
[20:11] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:11] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:11] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:11] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:11] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:11] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:11] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:11] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:11] Caiman{Suave You lost one and all, so fly away [20:11] Caiman{Suave
You lost one and all, so fly away
[20:11] Caiman{Suave Over the clouds, under the sky [20:11] Caiman{Suave
Over the clouds, under the sky
[20:11] Caiman{Suave Never come back, no, run away [20:11] Caiman{Suave
Never come back, no, run away
[20:11] Caiman{Suave With all your might, gave up you [20:11] Caiman{Suave
With all your might, gave up you
[20:11] Caiman{Suave I don't believe anymore your shallow heart [20:11] Caiman{Suave
I don't believe anymore your shallow heart
[20:11] Caiman{Suave I know that it's you who just do play this trick [20:11] Caiman{Suave
I know that it's you who just do play this trick
[20:11] Caiman{Suave I never forgive you, not for anything [20:11] Caiman{Suave
I never forgive you, not for anything
[20:11] Caiman{Suave And now you are left with nothing [20:11] Caiman{Suave
And now you are left with nothing
[20:11] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:11] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:11] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:11] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:11] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:11] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:11] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:11] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:11] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:11] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:11] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:11] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:11] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:11] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:11] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:11] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:11] Bufalo-ConPereza Al teclado nada ninio_85 …, a los dedos .. usarlos 😂😂😂 [20:11] Bufalo-ConPereza
Al teclado nada ninio_85 …, a los dedos .. usarlos 😂😂😂
[20:11] Caiman{Suave There's no other time to make [20:11] Caiman{Suave
There's no other time to make
[20:11] Caiman{Suave In happiness you have mistaken [20:11] Caiman{Suave
In happiness you have mistaken
[20:11] Caiman{Suave We have no progressive future [20:11] Caiman{Suave
We have no progressive future
[20:11] Caiman{Suave I know your lying nature [20:11] Caiman{Suave
I know your lying nature
[20:11] Caiman{Suave There's no other time to make [20:11] Caiman{Suave
There's no other time to make
[20:11] Caiman{Suave We have no progressive future [20:11] Caiman{Suave
We have no progressive future
[20:11] Caiman{Suave I know your lying nature [20:11] Caiman{Suave
I know your lying nature
[20:11] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:11] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:11] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:11] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:11] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:11] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:11] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:11] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:11] Caiman{Suave Just run away from my mind [20:11] Caiman{Suave
Just run away from my mind
[20:11] Caiman{Suave Oh, forgive, I don't need [20:11] Caiman{Suave
Oh, forgive, I don't need
[20:11] Caiman{Suave I won't breathe [20:11] Caiman{Suave
I won't breathe
[20:12] Caiman{Suave Just get away from my life [20:12] Caiman{Suave
Just get away from my life
[20:12] Caiman{Suave chicas de 13 a 17 años un privado [20:12] Caiman{Suave
chicas de 13 a 17 años un privado
[20:12] Aguila\Brillante alguno cerca queda ?? [20:12] Aguila\Brillante
alguno cerca queda ??
[20:12] Rana-Paciente Que tal el finde Bufalo-ConPereza? Mucha playa y piscina porque la calor ha sido tremenda [20:12] Rana-Paciente
Que tal el finde Bufalo-ConPereza? Mucha playa y piscina porque la calor ha sido tremenda
[20:12] Aguila\Brillante ? [20:12] Aguila\Brillante
[20:12] Bufalo-ConPereza Playa nada … todo piscina [20:12] Bufalo-ConPereza
Playa nada … todo piscina
[20:12] Caiman{Suave si [20:12] Caiman{Suave
[20:12] Bufalo-ConPereza tu que tal el finde? [20:12] Bufalo-ConPereza
tu que tal el finde?
[20:12] Caiman{Suave bueno [20:12] Caiman{Suave
[20:13] Bufalo-ConPereza Y ahora …🍷🍷 [20:13] Bufalo-ConPereza
Y ahora …🍷🍷
[20:13] Rana-Paciente Bufalo-ConPereza rodeado de argentinas, españolas y sus aficionados que me han llenado el estadio hasta la bandera [20:13] Rana-Paciente
Bufalo-ConPereza rodeado de argentinas, españolas y sus aficionados que me han llenado el estadio hasta la bandera
[20:14] Bufalo-ConPereza Bien ….. [20:14] Bufalo-ConPereza
Bien …..
[20:14] Rana-Paciente Dos partidos de preparación de las olimpiadas que han jugado y hace nada las argentinas ya habrán llegado a París [20:14] Rana-Paciente
Dos partidos de preparación de las olimpiadas que han jugado y hace nada las argentinas ya habrán llegado a París
[20:14] Rana-Paciente Bufalo-ConPereza [20:14] Rana-Paciente
[20:15] Bufalo-ConPereza Cachiss … visita rapida? Rana-Paciente [20:15] Bufalo-ConPereza
Cachiss … visita rapida? Rana-Paciente
[20:16] Rana-Paciente Desde el domingo estaban aqui Bufalo-ConPereza igual que España [20:16] Rana-Paciente
Desde el domingo estaban aqui Bufalo-ConPereza igual que España
[20:16] Bufalo-ConPereza Aahmsss [20:16] Bufalo-ConPereza
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