Historia de #usa 04/06/2023 00:58 175 visitas

Hour Alias Mensaje Mensaje
[00:58] Mandril_Naranja y i would do that [00:58] Mandril_Naranja
y i would do that
[00:58] Culebra-Especial So Mandril_Naranja what do u think? Anyways how is ur day? Do mine telling me your horoscope? [00:58] Culebra-Especial
So Mandril_Naranja what do u think? Anyways how is ur day? Do mine telling me your horoscope?
[00:58] Culebra-Especial Well cuz it's fancy? [00:58] Culebra-Especial
Well cuz it's fancy?
[00:59] Mandril_Naranja my meal is just screwed [00:59] Mandril_Naranja
my meal is just screwed
[00:59] Delfin-Suave Emitiendo EzenciaMix por [ EZR ] Sintoniza EzenciaZinco en: https://www.ezenciazinco.com latiendo al ritmo de tu esencia [00:59] Delfin-Suave
Emitiendo EzenciaMix por [ EZR ] Sintoniza EzenciaZinco en: https://www.ezenciazinco.com latiendo al ritmo de tu esencia
[00:59] Culebra-Especial Did u burned it? [00:59] Culebra-Especial
Did u burned it?
[00:59] Mandril_Naranja I'm not a fancy man [00:59] Mandril_Naranja
I'm not a fancy man
[00:59] Mandril_Naranja I'm a programer [00:59] Mandril_Naranja
I'm a programer
[00:59] Mandril_Naranja yes [00:59] Mandril_Naranja
[01:00] Libelula}ConTimidez »*« OM Radio Emitiendo: »¤« OndaMix »¤« Desde »¤« CabinaDJ »¤« Sintoniza: https://ondamix.listen2myshow.com/  Marcando tu sentido musical.  Comandos !radio »*« [01:00] Libelula}ConTimidez
»*« OM Radio Emitiendo: »¤« OndaMix »¤« Desde »¤« CabinaDJ »¤« Sintoniza: https://ondamix.listen2myshow.com/  Marcando tu sentido musical.  Comandos !radio »*«
[01:00] Mandril_Naranja i thought I was turned off the estufa [01:00] Mandril_Naranja
i thought I was turned off the estufa
[01:00] Culebra-Especial Jajajaja what a woman [01:00] Culebra-Especial
Jajajaja what a woman
[01:00] Mandril_Naranja yeah, but I dont care about it [01:00] Mandril_Naranja
yeah, but I dont care about it
[01:00] Culebra-Especial But it happened to me before [01:00] Culebra-Especial
But it happened to me before
[01:01] Culebra-Especial Tonto [01:01] Culebra-Especial
[01:01] Mandril_Naranja then this video appears [01:01] Mandril_Naranja
then this video appears
[01:01] Mandril_Naranja https://youtu.be/g_Rxb-BQNYw [01:01] Mandril_Naranja
[01:01] Culebra-Especial Woke can I ask u a personal question? [01:01] Culebra-Especial
Woke can I ask u a personal question?
[01:01] Mandril_Naranja so. i don't gonna eat it [01:01] Mandril_Naranja
so. i don't gonna eat it
[01:02] Mandril_Naranja 13cm [01:02] Mandril_Naranja
[01:02] Mandril_Naranja or 15 idk [01:02] Mandril_Naranja
or 15 idk
[01:02] Culebra-Especial Not that [01:02] Culebra-Especial
Not that
[01:02] Mandril_Naranja that is ok that happens to u. ura woman [01:02] Mandril_Naranja
that is ok that happens to u. ura woman
[01:02] Culebra-Especial Y es I'm not * [01:02] Culebra-Especial
Y es I'm not *
[01:03] Culebra-Especial So can i? [01:03] Culebra-Especial
So can i?
[01:03] Mandril_Naranja ok [01:03] Mandril_Naranja
[01:03] Mandril_Naranja just do it [01:03] Mandril_Naranja
just do it
[01:04] Culebra-Especial Did u had pimples when u were a teenager? [01:04] Culebra-Especial
Did u had pimples when u were a teenager?
[01:04] Mandril_Naranja no [01:04] Mandril_Naranja
[01:04] Mandril_Naranja i was conciente about that [01:04] Mandril_Naranja
i was conciente about that
[01:05] Culebra-Especial Really [01:05] Culebra-Especial
[01:05] Mandril_Naranja why that question? [01:05] Mandril_Naranja
why that question?
[01:05] Mandril_Naranja yeah, i thought that were strange [01:05] Mandril_Naranja
yeah, i thought that were strange
[01:05] Mandril_Naranja I'm still thinking it [01:05] Mandril_Naranja
I'm still thinking it
[01:05] Mandril_Naranja is any reason for that? [01:05] Mandril_Naranja
is any reason for that?
[01:05] Mandril_Naranja is there* [01:05] Mandril_Naranja
is there*
[01:06] Culebra-Especial Well [01:06] Culebra-Especial
[01:06] Culebra-Especial So u never ever had pimples? [01:06] Culebra-Especial
So u never ever had pimples?
[01:06] Mandril_Naranja yes [01:06] Mandril_Naranja
[01:06] Culebra-Especial So u did? [01:06] Culebra-Especial
So u did?
[01:07] Mandril_Naranja i said I'm not [01:07] Mandril_Naranja
i said I'm not
[01:07] Mandril_Naranja quite ur anoying misteries stuff [01:07] Mandril_Naranja
quite ur anoying misteries stuff
[01:07] Mandril_Naranja what happens with that [01:07] Mandril_Naranja
what happens with that
[01:08] Culebra-Especial Well cuz deja te digo en pv [01:08] Culebra-Especial
Well cuz deja te digo en pv
[01:08] Mandril_Naranja stupid woman [01:08] Mandril_Naranja
stupid woman
[01:09] Mandril_Naranja HispaNiTo por qué hay viejas que anda con miterios pa todo [01:09] Mandril_Naranja
HispaNiTo por qué hay viejas que anda con miterios pa todo
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