Historia de #salamanca 03/02/2023 18:14 239 visitas

Hour Alias Mensaje Mensaje
[18:14] GallinaLetal 'Do you have a right to lecture others? [18:14] GallinaLetal
'Do you have a right to lecture others?
[18:14] GallinaLetal There was only one movie theater in Fujioka [Fujioka, Gunma prefecture, is Buck-Tick's ... I ask myself honestly [18:14] GallinaLetal
There was only one movie theater in Fujioka [Fujioka, Gunma prefecture, is Buck-Tick's ... I ask myself honestly
[18:15] GallinaLetal .. wasn't a dream Kurosawa because I was dead and the waters were tearing me apart. [18:15] GallinaLetal
.. wasn't a dream Kurosawa because I was dead and the waters were tearing me apart.
[18:15] GallinaLetal RAڌ ZURITA Dreams for Kurosawa Translated from the Spanish and with an ... [18:15] GallinaLetal
RAڌ ZURITA Dreams for Kurosawa Translated from the Spanish and with an ...
[18:15] GallinaLetal ... pens麠ӡEste bastardo!, creo que me ha robado �i juventud junto con mi ... [18:15] GallinaLetal
... pens麠ӡEste bastardo!, creo que me ha robado �i juventud junto con mi ...
[18:16] GallinaLetal Despu鳠de unos minutos despert頵n poco mareada, algo pᬩda y sin fuerzas ... [18:16] GallinaLetal
Despu鳠de unos minutos despert頵n poco mareada, algo pᬩda y sin fuerzas ...
[18:16] GallinaLetal נ5. Sarah נ6. Someone Like You נ7. Todo Me Gusta de Ti. [18:16] GallinaLetal
נ5. Sarah נ6. Someone Like You נ7. Todo Me Gusta de Ti.
[18:16] GallinaLetal 1. Adoro נ2. Juana Mecho נ3. Can't Hide Love נ4. One Dream of Love � [18:16] GallinaLetal
1. Adoro נ2. Juana Mecho נ3. Can't Hide Love נ4. One Dream of Love �
[18:16] GallinaLetal One Dream Of Love ֠Un Sueno de Amor � [18:16] GallinaLetal
One Dream Of Love ֠Un Sueno de Amor �
[18:17] GallinaLetal ... estoy cansado, pero no tengo sue񯠉'm tired but I don't feel sleepy. [18:17] GallinaLetal
... estoy cansado, pero no tengo sue񯠉'm tired but I don't feel sleepy.
[18:17] GallinaLetal 3 dream. pres.indicat. 1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: .. [18:17] GallinaLetal
3 dream. pres.indicat. 1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: ..
[18:17] GallinaLetal 3 respuestas [18:17] GallinaLetal
3 respuestas
[18:17] GallinaLetal נ2 votos: Lo que no se dice es "temblar a alguien" xd. No lo he entendido hasta que [18:17] GallinaLetal
נ2 votos: Lo que no se dice es "temblar a alguien" xd. No lo he entendido hasta que
[18:18] GallinaLetal 1. (imaginar dormido) a. to dream ... You won't know when, nor where, but I'll have my vengeance. You'll have nightmares about me! [18:18] GallinaLetal
1. (imaginar dormido) a. to dream ... You won't know when, nor where, but I'll have my vengeance. You'll have nightmares about me!
[18:18] GallinaLetal .. 1 11. eiia durmi򠡬 kalor d las masas, i io despert蠫eriendo so񡲌a, ... [18:18] GallinaLetal
.. 1 11. eiia durmi򠡬 kalor d las masas, i io despert蠫eriendo so񡲌a, ...
[18:18] GallinaLetal "I have a dream, just one dream, keep dreaming. ... Collecting images to dream ... [18:18] GallinaLetal
"I have a dream, just one dream, keep dreaming. ... Collecting images to dream ...
[18:18] GallinaLetal נThat I once gave you נYou were walking with that one ... [18:18] GallinaLetal
נThat I once gave you נYou were walking with that one ...
[18:19] GallinaLetal נYou were so pretty in the white dress � [18:19] GallinaLetal
נYou were so pretty in the white dress �
[18:19] GallinaLetal נI had a dream and it hurt, alas, so much! [18:19] GallinaLetal
נI had a dream and it hurt, alas, so much!
[18:19] GallinaLetal Today I woke up crying [18:19] GallinaLetal
Today I woke up crying
[18:19] GallinaLetal . Cuando me despert頮.. [18:19] GallinaLetal
. Cuando me despert頮..
[18:19] GallinaLetal for a second I thought it was a dream. [18:19] GallinaLetal
for a second I thought it was a dream.
[18:20] GallinaLetal When I woke up this morning and you weren't here next to me [18:20] GallinaLetal
When I woke up this morning and you weren't here next to me
[18:20] GallinaLetal Fue un sue񯠁llison [18:20] GallinaLetal
Fue un sue񯠁llison
[18:21] GallinaLetal sacan?nos espian?? [18:21] GallinaLetal
sacan?nos espian??
[18:21] GallinaLetal scan->> [18:21] GallinaLetal
[18:21] GallinaLetal M23L2 [18:21] GallinaLetal
[18:21] GallinaLetal ,9 [18:21] GallinaLetal
[18:22] Murcielago{Fugaz fa fred [18:22] Murcielago{Fugaz
fa fred
[18:22] GallinaLetal y vuelve el frio [18:22] GallinaLetal
y vuelve el frio
[18:23] GallinaLetal alguien desde por la ma񡮡? [18:23] GallinaLetal
alguien desde por la ma񡮡?
[18:23] GallinaLetal habeis madrugado mucho? [18:23] GallinaLetal
habeis madrugado mucho?
[18:24] GallinaLetal salis esta noche? [18:24] GallinaLetal
salis esta noche?
[18:24] Murcielago{Fugaz si, hay una verbena [18:24] Murcielago{Fugaz
si, hay una verbena
[18:24] Murcielago{Fugaz pero no se lo digas a nadie GallinaLetal [18:24] Murcielago{Fugaz
pero no se lo digas a nadie GallinaLetal
[18:25] GallinaLetal wake early in thee morning [18:25] GallinaLetal
wake early in thee morning
[18:25] GallinaLetal a alg�n lugar habrᠱu頩r de fiesta [18:25] GallinaLetal
a alg�n lugar habrᠱu頩r de fiesta
[18:25] Murcielago{Fugaz yᠴenemos la radio [18:25] Murcielago{Fugaz
yᠴenemos la radio
[18:25] Murcielago{Fugaz jajaja [18:25] Murcielago{Fugaz
[18:26] GallinaLetal la playa estarᠡ tope [18:26] GallinaLetal
la playa estarᠡ tope
[18:26] GallinaLetal el lunes me prendo las vacacciones [18:26] GallinaLetal
el lunes me prendo las vacacciones
[18:26] GallinaLetal yᠶoy preparando la maleta [18:26] GallinaLetal
yᠶoy preparando la maleta
[18:26] Murcielago{Fugaz L6 [18:26] Murcielago{Fugaz
[18:27] Murcielago{Fugaz 6022023 [18:27] Murcielago{Fugaz
[18:27] GallinaLetal y los pareos [18:27] GallinaLetal
y los pareos
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