Historia de #mexico 17/11/2024 13:30 102 visitas

Hour Alias Mensaje Mensaje
[13:30] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud :( esta bien no te vuelvo a molestar ;( [13:30] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
:( esta bien no te vuelvo a molestar ;(
[13:30] Pantera{Insufrible TU me sirves pal ingles [13:30] Pantera{Insufrible
TU me sirves pal ingles
[13:30] Perro\Fugaz xD [13:30] Perro\Fugaz
[13:30] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Pero yo quería prepararte el sandwich [13:30] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
Pero yo quería prepararte el sandwich
[13:30] Pantera{Insufrible enursolls [13:30] Pantera{Insufrible
[13:31] Pantera{Insufrible butt face butt [13:31] Pantera{Insufrible
butt face butt
[13:31] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Hola suaresponja [13:31] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
Hola suaresponja
[13:31] Pantera{Insufrible esponja gar [13:31] Pantera{Insufrible
esponja gar
[13:32] Pantera{Insufrible I'm eating [13:32] Pantera{Insufrible
I'm eating
[13:32] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Seriously? [13:32] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
[13:32] Pantera{Insufrible yeah I did work up to Grant the prize [13:32] Pantera{Insufrible
yeah I did work up to Grant the prize
[13:33] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud 😑 [13:33] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
[13:33] Pantera{Insufrible comida de ayer a las 12 noon [13:33] Pantera{Insufrible
comida de ayer a las 12 noon
[13:33] Pantera{Insufrible sin refrigerar [13:33] Pantera{Insufrible
sin refrigerar
[13:33] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Panecito [13:33] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
[13:33] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Weeey [13:33] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
[13:33] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud U see [13:33] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
U see
[13:33] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud X eso te enfermas [13:33] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
X eso te enfermas
[13:34] Pantera{Insufrible you're right but you know that I don't like to drop meal [13:34] Pantera{Insufrible
you're right but you know that I don't like to drop meal
[13:34] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Waste food [13:34] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
Waste food
[13:34] Pantera{Insufrible I just ate it [13:34] Pantera{Insufrible
I just ate it
[13:34] Pantera{Insufrible with me luck [13:34] Pantera{Insufrible
with me luck
[13:34] Pantera{Insufrible wish [13:34] Pantera{Insufrible
[13:35] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud But u should of refrigerated [13:35] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
But u should of refrigerated
[13:35] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud U don't believe on luck [13:35] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
U don't believe on luck
[13:35] Pantera{Insufrible shit [13:35] Pantera{Insufrible
[13:35] Pantera{Insufrible siento burbiejos en mi barriga [13:35] Pantera{Insufrible
siento burbiejos en mi barriga
[13:36] Pantera{Insufrible whyyyyyyy [13:36] Pantera{Insufrible
[13:36] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Whatever [13:36] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
[13:36] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Cuz u just worked out [13:36] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
Cuz u just worked out
[13:36] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Work [13:36] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
[13:36] Pantera{Insufrible y en pasado [13:36] Pantera{Insufrible
y en pasado
[13:37] Pantera{Insufrible CEO external born in 1964 Jeffrey Jeffrey kisses [13:37] Pantera{Insufrible
CEO external born in 1964 Jeffrey Jeffrey kisses
[13:38] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Ese pelón dan. Ganas de besarle la frente [13:38] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
Ese pelón dan. Ganas de besarle la frente
[13:38] Pantera{Insufrible jajajaja [13:38] Pantera{Insufrible
[13:38] Pantera{Insufrible lo harias estoy seguro [13:38] Pantera{Insufrible
lo harias estoy seguro
[13:38] Pantera{Insufrible es El mas rico [13:38] Pantera{Insufrible
es El mas rico
[13:38] Pantera{Insufrible o era [13:38] Pantera{Insufrible
o era
[13:38] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud But not for the money [13:38] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
But not for the money
[13:39] Pantera{Insufrible yeah clear [13:39] Pantera{Insufrible
yeah clear
[13:39] Pantera{Insufrible yesterday I was watching a telenovela [13:39] Pantera{Insufrible
yesterday I was watching a telenovela
[13:39] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud So woman [13:39] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
So woman
[13:39] Pantera{Insufrible and that made me think on you [13:39] Pantera{Insufrible
and that made me think on you
[13:39] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Cual [13:39] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
[13:39] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Q? [13:39] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
[13:39] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Xq? [13:39] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
[13:39] Pantera{Insufrible I don't know a turkey one [13:39] Pantera{Insufrible
I don't know a turkey one
[13:40] Pantera{Insufrible because a woman was married with a old man [13:40] Pantera{Insufrible
because a woman was married with a old man
[13:40] Pantera{Insufrible then the man was dying [13:40] Pantera{Insufrible
then the man was dying
[13:40] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Y eso en q se parece a mi? [13:40] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
Y eso en q se parece a mi?
[13:40] Pantera{Insufrible and she was saying him that he must be sure that the inheritance were for her [13:40] Pantera{Insufrible
and she was saying him that he must be sure that the inheritance were for her
[13:41] Pantera{Insufrible and the more I was saying her that yeah baby [13:41] Pantera{Insufrible
and the more I was saying her that yeah baby
[13:41] Pantera{Insufrible stupid rich man [13:41] Pantera{Insufrible
stupid rich man
[13:41] Pantera{Insufrible he* [13:41] Pantera{Insufrible
[13:42] Pantera{Insufrible by the way Miss universo is awful [13:42] Pantera{Insufrible
by the way Miss universo is awful
[13:42] Pantera{Insufrible one* [13:42] Pantera{Insufrible
[13:42] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Y quien jodisos ve eso? [13:42] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
Y quien jodisos ve eso?
[13:42] Pantera{Insufrible duuuuuuuud [13:42] Pantera{Insufrible
[13:42] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Miss universe that is [13:42] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
Miss universe that is
[13:42] Pantera{Insufrible better to go to eat something [13:42] Pantera{Insufrible
better to go to eat something
[13:43] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Weeey that show is so woman [13:43] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
Weeey that show is so woman
[13:43] Pantera{Insufrible duuuuuuuud [13:43] Pantera{Insufrible
[13:43] Pantera{Insufrible how are you could say that [13:43] Pantera{Insufrible
how are you could say that
[13:43] Pantera{Insufrible watching woman is something straight [13:43] Pantera{Insufrible
watching woman is something straight
[13:43] Pantera{Insufrible women [13:43] Pantera{Insufrible
[13:43] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Si fuera sido tu solo hubiera espiado a tu novia veneca [13:43] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
Si fuera sido tu solo hubiera espiado a tu novia veneca
[13:44] Pantera{Insufrible parece que le crecen El culo cada dia [13:44] Pantera{Insufrible
parece que le crecen El culo cada dia
[13:44] Pantera{Insufrible una cosa loca [13:44] Pantera{Insufrible
una cosa loca
[13:44] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Cochino [13:44] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
[13:44] Pantera{Insufrible but straight [13:44] Pantera{Insufrible
but straight
[13:45] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Pendejo [13:45] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
[13:45] Pantera{Insufrible CEO external born in 1964 Jeffrey Jeffrey [13:45] Pantera{Insufrible
CEO external born in 1964 Jeffrey Jeffrey
[13:45] Pantera{Insufrible now that I mentioned it Jeffrey kisses looks so young [13:45] Pantera{Insufrible
now that I mentioned it Jeffrey kisses looks so young
[13:45] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud I think u miss her [13:45] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
I think u miss her
[13:46] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Y suavecito [13:46] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
Y suavecito
[13:46] Pantera{Insufrible here we go [13:46] Pantera{Insufrible
here we go
[13:46] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud Stupido [13:46] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
[13:46] Pantera{Insufrible you look forward to bothering [13:46] Pantera{Insufrible
you look forward to bothering
[13:47] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud No but ur look at her ass osea [13:47] CaballitoDeMar-ConInquietud
No but ur look at her ass osea
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